Author Archives: 2010admin

It was the perfect house – except for the outdated, run-down kitchen. Or perhaps you’ve enjoyed your kitchen for some time, but the years of use are catching up and you’re ready to consider a kitchen renovation. Deciding to update your kitchen is an exciting adventure, but one that can also be filled with worry and indecision, especially if you are new to the process. By creating a plan from the very start and leaning on the insight of local experts, you can be sure you’ll soon be showing off a stunning new space to guests.

When that first warm day of the season hits, you want your air conditioner in peak performance, ready to blast cool, fresh air into your home. But if it’s been sitting on it’s own and unused since last year, there’s a chance there may be a problem you don’t know about. That’s why Madsen suggests you have your AC unit serviced and inspected on a regular basis.

When the temperature goes up, so does your air conditioner usage – and your power bill. You probably can’t do anything about the weather, but you can help your AC unit run efficiently – and more economically – by keeping your condenser coil clean. Did you know a dirty condenser coil can increase the cost of cooling your home by more than 35 percent?

You may not be familiar with the Montreal Protocol or the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Clean Air Act, but if you have an older residential AC or heat pump system, this important information will hit close to home:
As part of this worldwide Protocol and the EPAs efforts at home to reduce ozone-destroying chlorines, the Freon R22, which has been the refrigerant of choice in residential heat pump and A/C systems, is being phased out. This could mean a service or upgrade to your AC or heat pump system is necessary to keep it running efficiently and economically this summer. (more…)