Author Archives: 2010admin

Simple Ways to Update Your Bathroom

If you’re planning to have houseguests this holiday season, you’ll want them to be as comfortable as possible. That means clean sheets in the guest room, fresh flowers on the nightstand, and the Wifi password at the ready. It also means offering them a bathroom that is inviting and functional. If you’re worried a bathroom renovation just doesn’t have space on your already-packed to-do list, there are still easy ways you can update your powder room and guest bath to make for a warmer welcome.


Top 10 Ways to Reduce Heating Costs

The return of sweaters, football, and pumpkin everything also brings the return of higher energy bills. While sometimes the most efficient thing you can do to save on heating costs is to lower the thermostat and grab an extra blanket – the average American home is set for 68 degrees overnight, and should really be at 60 degrees – there are some other simple home repairs and changes you can make to shrink your monthly bill. Here are ten of our best tips and tricks to keep your home warm during the coming chilly months without breaking the bank.

Home Plumbing Issues: When to Call the Pros

No matter how well you maintain your home, or how high-end your fixtures are, there’s a good chance a home plumbing issue is in your future. Wear and tear eventually lead to a number of minor issues that don’t only affect the quality of your home plumbing, but can lead to much larger and more expensive issues if not addressed. Can you handle the repair yourself? We at Madsen are happy to help our clients with any home plumbing issue they have, but yes, many common issues are simple enough to be fixed by a seasoned DIYer. Check out the five most common home plumbing issues and how to know if you and your toolbox are up for the challenge or not.

Kitchen Renovation: The Basics

It was the perfect house – except for the outdated, run-down kitchen. Or perhaps you’ve enjoyed your kitchen for some time, but the years of use are catching up and you’re ready to consider a kitchen renovation. Deciding to update your kitchen is an exciting adventure, but one that can also be filled with worry and indecision, especially if you are new to the process. By creating a plan from the very start and leaning on the insight of local experts, you can be sure you’ll soon be showing off a stunning new space to guests.

How Often Should You Get Your AC Unit Serviced?

When that first warm day of the season hits, you want your air conditioner in peak performance, ready to blast cool, fresh air into your home. But if it’s been sitting on it’s own and unused since last year, there’s a chance there may be a problem you don’t know about. That’s why Madsen suggests you have your AC unit serviced and inspected on a regular basis.