Author Archives: 2010admin

Create a Backyard Oasis with an Outdoor Kitchen

While there’s nothing wrong with a standard charcoal grill and some quality burgers, there’s something exciting and appealing about an outdoor kitchen. A true focal point in your home that makes everything from family parties to the standard Wednesday night dinner easier, these spaces have been growing in popularity as homeowners look to up their entertainment value. (more…)

Electricity: Understanding & Conserving It

From the sharp blast of light that cuts through the sky during a summer storm to the gentle hum of your air conditioner when it powers on to keep you cool, there’s a lot to appreciate about electricity during the summer. Yet, we often take this awesome resource for granted. In honor of National Electricity Day today, June 15, let’s learn a little about electricity and the power it has in our daily lives. (more…)

5 To-Dos Before Summer Sets In

The lazy, hazy days of summer? They only feel that way if you’ve done your prep work. Avoid the frustration of AC service calls by following these five simple steps before the season takes its toll. (more…)

The Best Ways to Clean Your Drains

Think of all the stuff that has gone down your drain. It’s not a pretty list, is it? And it certainly doesn’t smell like a bouquet of roses. Funky smelling sinks are a regular and totally normal occurrence, but that doesn’t mean you need to live with the odors. Try these methods to keep your drains clean and smelling fresh moving forward. (more…)

Prepare Your Home for Spring

Spring cleaning season is here, and soon you’ll be scrubbing, washing, dusting, and vacuuming your way to a spic and span home. But just as you take care to clean up your living spaces after the long winter, it’s the perfect time to do some maintenance on other parts of your home. From the attic to the basement and all around the exterior, add these to-dos to your list to ensure a safe space all spring and summer. (more…)