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Is your HVAC Running Efficiently? 5 Signs It’s Not.

Pennsylvania summers can be brutal. We get it — we dislike being sweaty as much as the next person. But when your AC is running as it should, there’s no reason your home shouldn’t be the ideal escape.

With today’s average utility bills are higher than ever, the last thing you need is to be spending unnecessarily to keep cool. And staying comfortable in the summertime requires your HVAC to be running at its best. Because when it’s not, it has to work extra hard to maintain your desired temperature. Or you’re simply stuck sweating it out.

Want to make sure your system is running as smoothly as possible so you can keep some more cash in your pocket for summertime fun? We’ve got five signs to look out for to make sure your HVAC is running efficiently.


  1. Your Unit Runs Constantly
    When your home hits the right temperature, your system should shut off. That’s a key component to being efficient. But if it ever seems to do that, then it’s not able to handle the thermostat’s demands. It will continue to run and pump out air in an attempt to get there. But instead, it’ll overwork and most likely lead to frequent breakdowns. The result: costly repairs on top of higher utility bills. Pay attention to whether or not your unit runs all day long.

  2. It’s Making Weird Noises
    A noisy AC unit is usually not a good sign. But different sounds mean different things, which can actually be helpful. For example, if it sounds like banging, it’s probably a loose part or component. If you hear clicking, something may be lodged inside. Squealing sounds usually indicate friction, while a high-pitched noise may mean a worn out motor or belt. Any of these issues can hinder your AC’s performance. As your AC ages, more issues are likely to occur, so it’s important to keep at least one ear open so you know when it’s time to schedule a repair or replacement.

  3. Temperatures Fluctuate & Vary Throughout the House
    If your unit is running as it should, there should be an even cool throughout your home. If certain spaces have hot and cold spots or the temperatures fluctuate at times, it may be a sign of airflow blockages. This could mean your air filter needs to be replaced. Or you just need to ensure all vents are open and allowing the air to pass. Natural light from windows or heat from appliances can obviously cause temperatures to vary at different times of day, so try closing blinds or using smaller appliances on hotter days. But if it’s happening regularly, it’s definitely a system issue.

  4. You Need Constant Repairs
    If you can relate to this one, then it’s pretty clear your AC isn’t doing its job. You shouldn’t be calling a professional constantly to stop weird sounds or fix temperature issues. We know the thought of buying a new unit is daunting, but the time and money spent on constantly fixing an aging unit — on top of the higher bills you’re likely paying as a result — just isn’t worth it. Stop putting band aids on the problem and get a unit that really works for you.

  5. You Notice the Difference in Your Utility Bills
    Last but not least is both a sign and a reason to make sure your HVAC is running as efficiently as possible: your bills. Some system issues don’t make an obvious impact on your utility costs, but often, the consequences are staring you right in the face. If every time your bill arrives, you’re venting about how ridiculously high it is, it may be something more than the results of a tough economic climate. When a unit has an issue or is nearing the end of its lifespan, it starts becoming less efficient, meaning it works harder to cool your home. The harder it works, the more you pay. So if you notice your bills have really skyrocketed, you should get it checked out.

    How to Keep Your HVAC Running More Efficiently

    In addition to looking for the signs of an inefficient unit, you can also take some action to prevent the issue in the first place. Make sure your system and ductwork is clean and free of dirt and debris. Change your air filters regularly or invest in reusable ones that you clean once a month. And set your thermostat to reasonable temperatures. Sometimes, when we’re eager to get cool or heat up, we set our temps to way higher or lower than we actually want, causing an extra push from our unit. This can weaken your unit overtime. Set it to a normal temperature, and let it work its way there gradually.

    Work with a professional HVAC company to ensure you’re covering all the bases. Regular maintenance checks can help you avoid the guesswork of whether or not your unit is running as efficiently as it should be and prevent bigger issues long term. To work with the very best in our area, contact the experts at Madsen Inc. We’ll help you keep cool and save money all summer long.